Week 10: Switching to online and working on project

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!

Due to unfortunate circumstances Seneca is switching online. During this week we continue to discuss and work on our projects. In this blog I would like to talk about my preparations for project.

For the tools, I chose to set up my Raspberry Pi 4 as my AArch64 machine and virtual machine for x86_64. For the project, my choice laid on John the Ripper password cracker. Since Fedora is still not available for AArch64, I decided to go with Manjaro operating system. I really liked to work with it, the UI is very user friendly and beautiful, in my opinion. For x86_64, I chose to work on my vistual machine with Ubuntu 64bit operating system installed.

Difficulties I encountered during my preparations stage:

  1. Installing dependencies on Manjaro. Sometimes it would be tricky to install some of the dependencies on Manjaro. The cause for this could be for example because dependencies had a different name, the different command should be used.
  2. Setting up Raspberry Pi 4. It was a little be tricky to set up my raspberry machine as I never did anything like that. First I had to put it all together. I followed the instructions and that was done. When I had to install operating system and set it up I encountered some difficulties with settings, especially with keyboard settings, but after some time I made it work too.

To summarize everything up, my preparations stage went easy, fast and worry-free. So far I like the tools I chose to work with, the project seems to be interesting. Working on optimization and improving portability is totally new and I feel is a great learning opportunity for me. I hope I can continue to practice it even after the end of the course. 
